We, as Americans, have many privileges with which come many responsibilities.  These privileges are undeniably what every person deserves, but sadly doesn’t always get.  Grateful Americans passionately strive to know what it takes to be a citizen.

Sometimes we forget or maybe we don’t know how good we have it.  We can speak our minds, express our opinions, read what we want, worship how we choose, expect justice, and decide on our own futures. We can live where we want, work how we want, play how we want and learn as much as we want.  We can expect fairness and equality no matter our race, color, our abilities or our beliefs.   Also, our government manages our resources well providing the means for our right for an education, for equal opportunity, and makes sure we have basic things like electricity and water.  In a world where 25,000 people die each day because they have no clean water or no water at all, the next time we take a drink — stop, remember, and be thankful.

Such treasures demand a little something back.  These are our many responsibilities: to be loyal, respectful, just and law-abiding, to care much, and to vote and serve when called.  We must protect and defend the helpless, those unable to speak for themselves, and the oppressed. We must keep in mind that many of our ancestors came broken, hopeful, but full of grit and longing. Likewise, we must honor and respect those defending us, now and in the past, never forgetting their sacrifices.  Their lives and sufferings are so worthy and virtuous. Moreover, we need to continue to pull together during disasters like 911 and Hurricane Katrina and during hard times when jobs are scarce and luck is low. We must keep the fire in our hearts.  The American Dream should never die.

Our citizenship challenges us to take stock, to do something worthwhile. We have been given much. Remember the words of wisdom from the great apostle, Luke, “ To whom much is given, much is expected.”

Written in 2006 by Jake age 12